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Английский язык 5 - 9 классы Adoralsa

Write essay .Parents know best what is good of teenagers. 200 слов .Срочно


             Parents know best what is good for teenagers

While people are the crown of creation, it takes years for human brains to develop. The problem of teenagers is that they look more like adults than kids, but their brains still resemble a childs brain.

When teenagers face new situations and choices, they more often see their choices as A or B, white or black. Their parents usually know there are a lot of different choices and options. Teenagers’ ability to understand this takes time to develop. During this time teenagers should listen to their parents advice. Adults usually attempt to help teenagers avoid mistakes. Parents do not want their children to die or become injured doing dangerous things, or to become addicted to drugs, or to have children before they are ready to raise them, or to get into trouble with the law.

Parents usually know what is best for their teenagers, even if sometimes parents under- or overestimate abilities of their teenagers. No doubt, parents can make mistakes too, but they love their children and always mean well.

I am a teen. Surely there are times when I disagree with my parents or when they fail to see my point of view. In our family we have a rule: we discuss serious matters staying as calm as possible. This helps us to understand each other.

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