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Английский язык 4-7 класс Amirkhan

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Summative assessment for the unit "Values"

Variant 1.


20 minutes


Task 1. Read about Saule. Use the words below to complete the letter.

daughter - dad - aunt - grandma - family

Dear Mary, I am Saule and I am 11 years old.

I have a big family

My mum is Aisha, She is 40 years old and very friendly and kind. She can speak three languages, English, Russian and French.

Azamat is my dad.

He is 45 and a lovely person.

My granddad is Nurlan.

He is 78 and very funny.

He is my mothers father.

Zere is my grandma.

Shes 76 and she is a wonderful lady.

Askar is my little brother.

He is 5 years old and very clever.

Dina, is my fathers sister.

Her husband, Alisher, is a famous pianist.

Daughter, Gul, is six years old and she is my favourite cousin.

Have you got a big family?

lease send me a picture! Take care, Inkar

Writing. Task 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Example:

Jennifer gets up at 7 oclock in the morning.

(раскрой скобки в Present Simple)

She starts her day with a big breakfast.

She and her brother catches the bus to school at 7:45.

Their journey to school takes half an hour.

Lessons start at 8:30.

In the evenings, she watches TV

Task 3. Read short sentences and complete with the name of the job. (прочитай определение профессий, определи какая это профессия)

1. He looks after sick people.


2. He protects people.


3. She takes money and gives people change.


4. He checks financial records.


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