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Английский язык 10-11 класс соска

1.Which of the following people was not a painter?
а.Yuly Meytus
б.Serhii Vasilkovsky
в.Ivan Aivazovsky
г.Ilya Repin
Питання №2 ?
1 бал
Match the following kinds of paintings (1-4) with their definitis (А-Д).
а.a picture or decorati made of small, usually colored pieces of inlaid ste, glass, etc
б.a representati of some sacred persage, as Christ or a saint or angel, painted usually a wood surface and venerated itself as sacred
в.a picture representing natural inland or coastal scenery
г.the art or technique of painting a moist, plaster surface with colors ground up in water or a limewater mixture
д.a likeness of a pers, especially of the face, as a painting, drawing, or photograph

Питання №3 ?
1 бал
Match the beginning of a sentence (1-4) with its ending (А-Д).
1.If there is no rain,
2.If you d’t eat fruit or vegetables,
3.If you are cold,
4If they can’t move the sofa themselves,
а.go inside.
б.we decorate our flat.
в.many plants die.
г.I advise to ask for help.
д.you d’t get enough vitamins.

Питання №4 ?
2 бали
It is a type of painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects that do not move, such as flowers, fruit, bowls, etc.
в.Still life


1. відповідь: а. Yuly Meytus

Юлій Мейтус Український радянський композитор. Народний артист Української РСР, лауреат Сталінської премії другого ступеня.

2. 1 - а, 2 - г, 3 - б ,4 - д

3. 1 - в, 2 -д, 3 - а, 4 - г

4. відповідь: в. Still life

Натюрморт - зображення неживих предметів в образотворчому мистецтві, на відміну від портретної, жанрової, історичної та пейзажної тематики.

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