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Английский язык 1-3 класс Alexander

Что собираются делать Энн и Дэн? Заполните пропуски, используя глaголы в и to be going to.
(0) My Grandma is not well. I am going to visit (visit) her.
(1) I like playing the piano and singing. I ___ (be) a singer.
(2) It's an interesting film. We ___ (see) it on Sunday.
(3) Ann will have a birthday party at the weekend. She ___ (invite) you.
(4) Dan and his friends go to sports practice every day. They ___ (take part) in the competition.
(5) I can't go out. I'm doing my homework now. We __ (have) an English test tomorrow.
Школа, в которой учится Дэн, отмечает день рождения на этой неделе. Что собираются делать ко дню рождения школы ученики и родители? Ответьте на вопросы, используйте оборот to be going to в cоoответствующей формe.
(0) - Are you going to decorate the school?
- No. I/sweep the paths/in the garden.
- No, I am not. I am not going to decorate the school.
- I am going to sweep the paths in the garden.
(1) - Is Dan going to clean the school garden?
- No. He/clean/the school zoo.
(2) - Is he going to feed the animals?
- No. He/give water/to the animals.
(3) - Are his classmates going to decorate the classroom?
- Yes.


1. (1) I am going to be (be) a singer.

(2) We are going to see (see) it on Sunday.

(3) She is going to invite (invite) you.

(4) They are going to take part (take part) in the competition.

(5) We are going to have (have) an English test tomorrow.

2. 1) No, he is not. He is not going to clean the school garden.

He is going to clean the school zoo.

2) No, he is not. He is not going to feed the animals.

He is going to give water to the animals.

3) Yes, they are. They are going to decorate the classroom.

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